martes, 17 de junio de 2014

The resistor

The resistor it´s a good way to limit and control the flow of electrons. ===> I
The resistor is a cilindrical shape or a small square.
A resistor holds back the flow of electrons.The body of a resistor it´s made of a combination of conductive and non conductive materials.

Each stripe stand for a number.
Black stands for 0.
Yellow stands for 4.
Brown stands for 1.
Red stands for 2.
Orange stands for 3.
Green stands for 5.
Blue stands for 6.
Purple/Violet stands for 7.
Grey stands for 8.
White stands for 9.

martes, 3 de junio de 2014


Ojos y orejas eléctricos, alguas veces usamos el voltímetro. Tiene dos polaridades, una positiva y otra negativa (roja y negra) que se ponen en contacto con la corriente del circuito. Hay analógicos pero los digitales son mas comunes. Autorange / Non autorange.

          Switched:                                                                                              Auto range:

Manually switch                                                                     Switches automatically for best.
between ranges to get accurate reading.